
September 7, 2017

IPA Research

Financial education is widely used by governments, financial service providers, and non-governmental organizations as a tool to help people navigate the financial system and make better financial choices. Financial education programs are built on the assumption that education will lead to knowledge, and that knowledge will lead to better choices […]
July 5, 2017

Let’s help the children of our nation write a finance success story

The customer education process of financial training is flawed. Encouraging individuals who have reached economic maturity and are set in their financial habits to change is the equivalent of trying to build the world’s first time machine. Attempting to instill the foundations of a positive relationship with money, that should […]
May 15, 2017

How can we actively engage with the search for financial products?

Recently I had to buy a new laptop. Before I buy any electronics product, one of the things I rely on is an extensive search of my options and I am pretty pedantic about it. I look for a balance between product specification, value and look at reviews both from […]
April 16, 2017

Does Black Tax Impoverish Us?

Recently I had the fortune to attend a lobola celebration and the misfortune to attend a funeral on consecutive days. Both events went well and showed the benefits of having an extended family network for support in both celebrating life’s triumphs and helping mourn losses. The experience has made me […]
April 12, 2016

We Need a Financial Driver’s Licence

Imagine at the age of 16, on your birthday you were allowed to immediately walk into any car dealership and drive off with an “appropriate” vehicle. Since you are young and society is not quite sure about you, maybe you are allowed to drive a 1.1 litre to 1.5 litre […]